Riwo Sangchö & Tendrel Nyesel
This high quality publication includes beautifully detailed colour images of the deities we visualize, many new translations and improved transliteration. Many dedicated students have worked on this book over several years to ensure that it is both what Rinpoche wants, as well as what we need. The new Daily Sadhana Practice Book is available in printed form (with its accompanying practice MP3) and in downloadable form (pdf, epub and kindle with mp3 files). When you purchase a printed copy, access to the downloadable version is automatically included.
The practice book and audio files are available in four different packages, based on the empowerments you have received. Please purchase only the practices and texts for which you have received an empowerment. We trust you to respect this.
For a complete list of empowerments given to the Rigpa sangha since 1977, visit the Rigpa Shedra Wiki article.
The text for the dharmapala practice of Kasung Magön Chamdral is restricted and available separately upon request. To submit your request, please fill the online request form. Please wait for the reply before ordering your Sadhana Book.
See below for a description of the items included and various formats offered.