
The Heart of The Practice (MP3)

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Les Ngöndrolinks sont destinés aux étudiants qui commencent à étudier et à pratiquer les pratiques préliminaires du Ngöndro et qui ont déjà une compréhension et une expérience solides des Fondations et des étapes du Mahayana, qui ont pris Refuge (l'entrée formelle dans la voie bouddhiste) et qui ont prononcé le vœu de bodhisattva (cela suit la structure du programme d'études de Rigpa - pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici). 

Date, Time and Place
12 June 2005, 12:00, Geneva

68 minutes
How can we stop our practice from becoming mechanical and make it authentic? By recollecting the outer, inner and innermost aspects of our practice.
Here, Sogyal Rinpoche explains that every practice has an outer, inner and innermost aspect. To stop our practice from becoming mechanical or theoretical and to make it authentic, all three elements should be present.
Contemplating the four thoughts, or the visualization and recitation of refuge practice are examples of the outer aspect of practice.
When we reach the heart of a practice (the inner aspect), we feel its unique atmosphere: the infallible trust and confidence that refuge engenders; the immaculate purity of Vajrasattva practice; the transformational power of Guru Rinpoche.
Relaxing in the atmosphere of our practice can lead us to its innermost aspect, the nature of mind.
additional study
Rinpoche mentions that, as well as training our mind through the four thoughts, we should study his teaching on Turning Suffering and Happiness into Enlightenment. He also refers us to four chapters of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying: chapter eight, on karma; chapter twelve for the story of Asanga and Maitreya; and chapters twenty and twenty-one, which show us that karma is inescapable and that we are accountable for all our thoughts and actions.