
Invoking the Presence of the Refuge (MP3)



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Ngöndrolinks are for students who are starting to study and practice the Ngöndro preliminary practices and who already have a firm understanding and experience of the Foundations and the Mahayana stages of the path, and have taken Refuge (the formal entrance to the Buddhist path) and have taken the Bodhisattva Vow (this follows the structure of Rigpa's curriculum for more information click here

Date, Time and Place
3 January 2006, Kirchheim

64 Minutes
We are all vulnerable to fear and insecurity.When we take refuge, we rediscover confidence, tolerance and love, and can apply them to our lives. Until we reach enlightenment, we remain vulnerable to fear and insecurity. It is therefore invaluable to know that each time we take refuge and experience it in our hearts, we will find that all the help we need is already present inside us. Even times of difficulty will not be viewed with great alarm, because we’ll know there’s a way of overcoming them. We find confidence and self-trust, fearlessness, tolerance and love by taking refuge, and we can apply these qualities to all the situations and circumstances we face.
additional study
Read: the section called ‘Taking Refuge’ from A Torch for the Path to Omni science; Part Two, Chapter One (pages 171-192) of The Words of My Perfect Teacher by Patrul Rinpoche, and Part Two, Chapter One (pages 93-131) of A Guide to ‘The Words of My Perfect Teacher’. Study these three texts in the order they appear here. On From Now Until Enlightenment (CDE426), the Ngöndrolink release for June 2003, Sogyal Rinpoche closely follows and comments in more detail on the section on ‘Taking Refuge’ from A Torch for the Path to Omniscience