
True Peace of Mind MP3



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How can we bring out the best from our mind? So often we are caught up in thoughts and emotions, and can even believe that this is all we are. They make our mind restless, argumentative and prevent us from finding happiness.
The whole purpose of the Buddhist path is to settle, transform and understand the mind in order to bring about the true peace and happiness of enlightenment.
In this teaching Sogyal Rinpoche explains that the essential point—the master key that unlocks all doors—is to realize the nature of mind, our true nature. If we can do this then we will have understood the real point of the Buddha’s teachings and of our entire existence.
How is it possible to do this? By gaining a knowledge of how the mind works as well as through personal experience in meditation.
Here Rinpoche gives detailed information on how the mind functions, along with instructions on the two approaches to meditation—the direct and the gradual methods. Through these we begin to see that what we previously took to be our mind—our thoughts and emotions—are just temporary risings, bereft of solidity and permanence. We come to discover the spacious, open nature of mind which has always been there, a wonderful, cosy home to which we can always return.