Lama Norlha (Guru's Wealth Deity) (download)
The Lama Norlha (Guru’s Wealth Deity) practice from the Chokling Tersar, related to the Tukdrup Barché Künsel cycle, is a wealth practice bringing spiritual and mundane abundance. The main deity is Kyechok Tsülzang, one of the Twelve emanations of Guru Rinpoche.
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Drupchen Text 2024, English only

What is the special significance of this particular practice?
Guru Rinpoche taught that to increase wealth it is vital to know how to make offerings and practise generosity.
Using Vajrayana view and methods, the practitioner increases both material and spiritual wealth. These are described as outer, inner, and secret wealth. Outer wealth includes material things such as food, clothing, a comfortable place to live, and so on. Inner wealth is a person’s fortune and merit along with personal virtues such as contentment, generosity, and calmness of mind. Secret wealth is understanding the nature of things or emptiness, developing innate inner awareness, and the actualization of the qualities of awakening for the sake of oneself and others.
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Restricted to Ngöndro or Dzogchen Mandala students, who have already received some general instructions on how to practise sadhana, including at least a basic understanding of the view, meditation and conduct of the Vajrayana and its main key principles.
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