
Chetsun Nyingtig One-Month Retreat Manual ~ Practice Text

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CHETSUN NYINGTIK RETREAT MANUAL for a one-month practice retreat on the Preliminary Practices - Written and compiled by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche

Hard copy print A5 - Digital versions are available at Light of Berotsana

English- Second Edition - January 2023

French- Second Edition - August 2023

German- Edition provisional (waiting Germans to send last version)


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The Chetsün Nyingtik is a revelation of the great Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo - More on the Rigpawiki page

Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche compiled this Instruction Manual with great care for dedicated Chetsün Nyingtik practitioners to practise a one-month Chetsün Nyingtik ngöndro retreat, or preliminary practices. It includes step-by-step instructions on how to carry out this retreat on a day-by-day basis, as well as clear explanations on the different parts of the preliminary practices. 

Requirements to use this text

These materials are restricted to those who have received : 

  • a Chetsün Nyingtik empowerment.
  • a reading transmission for the practices included in this text
  • the permission from a lineage teacher to read and do these practices

Please take care to honour this samaya commitment. If necessary, please consult your teacher or lama to determine if you are qualified to purchase, read, or practise these materials.

Rigpa sangha students will find all information and materials, including teachings,  to accomplish a one or two month Chetsün Nyingtik Ngondrö retreat here.

The 2 commentaries on Chetsün Nyingtik that should accompany the Retreat Manual are available at Light of Berotsana.

  • Volume 1, Heart Essence of Chetsun: The Perfect Secret Bindu is available in English at LoB here.
  • Volume 2, Heart Essence of Chetsun: Wisdom Bindu  is available in English at LoB here.

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